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Define keysets

As you learned in Add an administrator account and Define a namespace, keysets determine rules for signing transaction and controlling the accounts that can access and update the namespaces where you deploy smart contracts. This tutorial demonstrates how to define the admin-keyset in the principal namespace that you created in Define a namespace using the public key of the administrative account you created in Add an administrator account.

After you define the admin-keyset in your principal namespace, you'll be able to use it to authorize your administrative account to submit specific types of transactions for the election application you're building. For example, you'll be able to authorize transactions that deploy and upgrade the election smart contract and that nominate the candidates that other accounts can vote on.

Before you begin

Before you start this tutorial, verify the following basic requirements:

Write a transaction to define a keyset

Like the previous tutorial, in this tutorial, you'll write and execute Pact code in the Pact REPL. After testing the transaction to define a keyset in the Pact REPL, you'll define a keyset to use on your local development network.

To define a keyset:

  1. Open the election-dapp/pact folder in a terminal shell on your computer.

  2. Create a new file named keyset.repl in the pact folder.

  3. Write an empty transaction by typing the following lines of code in the keyset.repl file:

    (begin-tx  "Define a new keyset")(commit-tx)
    (begin-tx  "Define a new keyset")(commit-tx)
  4. Execute the transaction using the pact command-line program running locally or using pact-cli from the Docker container.

    If pact-cli is installed locally, run the following command in the current terminal shell:

    pact keyset.repl -t
    pact keyset.repl -t

    After you execute the transaction, you should see the following output:

    keyset.repl:1:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:4:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define a new keysetLoad successful
    keyset.repl:1:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:4:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define a new keysetLoad successful

    As before, if you don't have pact installed locally, you can load the keyset.repl file in the pact-cli from the Docker container with the following command:

    (load "keyset.repl")
    (load "keyset.repl")

    If you are using the pact-cli in a browser, you can replace the pact keyset.repl -t command with (load "keyset.repl") throughout this tutorial.

Add functions to define the keyset

Pact has a built-in function—define-keyset—that you can use to define keysets. This function takes two arguments:

  • The name keyset of the keyset.
  • The keyset—that is, one or more keys and a predicate—that you want to associate with the keyset name you re defining.

The define-keyset function is wrapped by the expect function to test that calling define-keyset will succeed. The expect function takes three arguments:

  • The title of the test.
  • The expected output of the define-keyset function.
  • The define-keyset function call.

The first argument of expect is the title of the test, the second argument is the expected output of the define-keyset function and the third argument is the actual define-keyset function call.

To define a keyset:

  1. Open the election-dapp/pact/keyset.repl file in a terminal shell on your computer.

  2. Add the following lines of code between the begin-tx and commit-tx lines:

    (expect  "A keyset can be defined"  "Keyset defined"  (define-keyset "admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))
    (expect  "A keyset can be defined"  "Keyset defined"  (define-keyset "admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))
  3. Execute the transaction using the pact command-line program by running the following command in the current terminal shell:

    pact keyset.repl -t
    pact keyset.repl -t

    You'll see that this transaction fails with output similar to the following:

    keyset.repl:1:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:4:0:Trace: FAILURE: A keyset can be defined: evaluation of actual failed:keyset.repl:7:34: No such key in message: admin-keysetkeyset.repl:9:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:4:0:ExecError: FAILURE: A keyset can be defined: evaluation of actual failed:keyset.repl:7:34: No such key in message: admin-keysetLoad failed
    keyset.repl:1:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:4:0:Trace: FAILURE: A keyset can be defined: evaluation of actual failed:keyset.repl:7:34: No such key in message: admin-keysetkeyset.repl:9:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:4:0:ExecError: FAILURE: A keyset can be defined: evaluation of actual failed:keyset.repl:7:34: No such key in message: admin-keysetLoad failed

    As you saw when defining a namespace, you must load the admin-keyset into the context of the Pact REPL so it can be read using the read-keyset function.

  4. Add the following lines at the top of the keyset.repl file:

    (env-data  { 'admin-keyset :    { 'keys : [ 'admin-public-key ]    , 'pred : 'keys-all    }  })
    (env-data  { 'admin-keyset :    { 'keys : [ 'admin-public-key ]    , 'pred : 'keys-all    }  })

    If you execute the transaction now, however, it will fail with the following error:

    Cannot define a keyset outside of a namespace

    As this error indicates, keysets must be defined within the context of a specific namespace.

  5. Add the following transaction to define the election namespace before the transaction to define a keyset.

    (begin-tx  "Define a namespace to define the keyset in")(define-namespace 'election (read-keyset 'admin-keyset) (read-keyset 'admin-keyset))(commit-tx)
    (begin-tx  "Define a namespace to define the keyset in")(define-namespace 'election (read-keyset 'admin-keyset) (read-keyset 'admin-keyset))(commit-tx)
  6. Modify the Define a new keyset transaction to specify the election namespace as a prefix for the new keyset with the following lines of code:

    (begin-tx  "Define a new keyset")(namespace 'election)(expect  "A keyset can be defined"  "Keyset defined"  (define-keyset "election.admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))(commit-tx)
    (begin-tx  "Define a new keyset")(namespace 'election)(expect  "A keyset can be defined"  "Keyset defined"  (define-keyset "election.admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))(commit-tx)
  7. Execute the transaction using the pact command-line program:

    pact keyset.repl -t
    pact keyset.repl -t

    You'll see that this transaction still fails, but with a different error. This time the error message is:

    Keyset failure (keys-all): [admin-ke...]

    The transaction failed because it isn't following the signing rules specified by the keyset passed to the define-keyset function.

  8. Sign the transaction with the key from the admin-keyset you loaded into the context of the Pact REPL.

    For example, sign the transaction with the admin-public-key by adding the following lines of code before the Define a new keyset transaction:

    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : 'admin-public-key   , 'caps : []  }])
    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : 'admin-public-key   , 'caps : []  }])
  9. Execute the transaction using the pact command-line program:

    pact keyset.repl -t
    pact keyset.repl -t

    You'll now see that the transaction succeeds with output similar to the following:

    keyset.repl:1:0:Trace: Setting transaction datakeyset.repl:8:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define a namespace to define the keyset inkeyset.repl:11:2:Trace: Namespace defined: electionkeyset.repl:12:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define a namespace to define the keyset inkeyset.repl:13:0:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capskeyset.repl:18:0:Trace: Begin Tx 1: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:21:2:Trace: Namespace set to electionkeyset.repl:22:2:Trace: Expect: success: A keyset can be definedkeyset.repl:26:0:Trace: Commit Tx 1: Define a new keysetLoad successful
    keyset.repl:1:0:Trace: Setting transaction datakeyset.repl:8:0:Trace: Begin Tx 0: Define a namespace to define the keyset inkeyset.repl:11:2:Trace: Namespace defined: electionkeyset.repl:12:0:Trace: Commit Tx 0: Define a namespace to define the keyset inkeyset.repl:13:0:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capskeyset.repl:18:0:Trace: Begin Tx 1: Define a new keysetkeyset.repl:21:2:Trace: Namespace set to electionkeyset.repl:22:2:Trace: Expect: success: A keyset can be definedkeyset.repl:26:0:Trace: Commit Tx 1: Define a new keysetLoad successful

    You now have a keyset named admin-keyset in the election namespace in the Pact REPL.

Test keyset authorization

The election.admin-keyset you just defined is protected by the admin-keyset that has only one key, the admin-public-key. Only this account is authorized to call the define-keyset function to modify or update the election.admin-keyset definitions. Transactions that use any other key will fail.

To test keyset authorization and verify that no other accounts can take control of your namespace, you can add another test case to the keyset.repl file.

To test keyset authorization works as expected:

  1. Open the election-dapp/pact/keyset.repl file in a terminal shell on your computer.

  2. Load the admin-keyset with a different public key than you previously used into the context of the Pact REPL.

    For example, add the following lines to the bottom of the keyset.repl file:

    (env-data  { 'admin-keyset :    { 'keys : [ 'other-public-key ]    , 'pred : 'keys-all    }  })
    (env-data  { 'admin-keyset :    { 'keys : [ 'other-public-key ]    , 'pred : 'keys-all    }  })

    These lines establish a different context for the transaction trying to change the keyset definition.

  3. Sign the transaction with the key from the admin-keyset you loaded into the context of the Pact REPL.

    For example, sign the transaction with the other-public-key by adding the following lines of code after the lines changing the context and before the new Define a keyset transaction:

    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : 'other-public-key   , 'caps : []  }])
    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : 'other-public-key   , 'caps : []  }])
  4. Add a transaction to define a new keyset using the other-public-key in the admin-keyset and change the expect function to expect-failure with the following lines of code:

    (begin-tx  "Define a keyset using a different keyset fails")(namespace 'election)(expect-failure  "keyset definition is already defined using a different keyset"  "Keyset failure (keys-all): 'election.admin-keyset"  (define-keyset "election.admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))(commit-tx)
    (begin-tx  "Define a keyset using a different keyset fails")(namespace 'election)(expect-failure  "keyset definition is already defined using a different keyset"  "Keyset failure (keys-all): 'election.admin-keyset"  (define-keyset "election.admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))(commit-tx)
  5. Execute the transaction using the pact command-line program:

    pact keyset.repl -t
    pact keyset.repl -t

    You'll see that the transaction to change the election.admin-keyset fails—as expected—with output similar to the following:

    keyset.repl:33:0:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capskeyset.repl:38:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2: Define a keyset using a different keyset failskeyset.repl:41:2:Trace: Namespace set to electionkeyset.repl:42:2:Trace: Expect failure: success: keyset definition is already defined using a different keysetkeyset.repl:47:2:Trace: Commit Tx 2: Define a keyset using a different keyset failsLoad successful
    keyset.repl:33:0:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capskeyset.repl:38:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2: Define a keyset using a different keyset failskeyset.repl:41:2:Trace: Namespace set to electionkeyset.repl:42:2:Trace: Expect failure: success: keyset definition is already defined using a different keysetkeyset.repl:47:2:Trace: Commit Tx 2: Define a keyset using a different keyset failsLoad successful

    This output proves that the election.admin-keyset can only be governed by the account with the admin-public-key and can't be modified by an account that uses a different key.

Rotate the keyset

The previous example illustrated that an unauthorized account can't take control of your namespace. However, it is possible for you to transfer governance permissions to someone else by rotating the election.admin-keyset to use a different key. Keyset rotation can be useful in many situations. For example, if the administrator of an election resigns or retires, you can use keyset rotation to add the signature of a new authorized successor to the original admin-public-key in a new transaction.

To rotate the keyset to accept a new signature:

  1. Open the election-dapp/pact/keyset.repl file in a terminal shell on your computer.

  2. Add signatures for both authorized accounts using the following lines of code:

    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : 'other-public-key   , 'caps : []  }  ,{ 'key  : 'admin-public-key   , 'caps : []  }])
    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : 'other-public-key   , 'caps : []  }  ,{ 'key  : 'admin-public-key   , 'caps : []  }])
  3. Add a new transaction that allows the election.admin-keyset to be modifies and is expected to succeed:

    (begin-tx  "Rotating the existing keyset to a new keyset works if the transaction is signed with the original admin-public-key")(namespace 'election)(expect  "Keyset can be rotated"  "Keyset defined"  (define-keyset "election.admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))(commit-tx)
    (begin-tx  "Rotating the existing keyset to a new keyset works if the transaction is signed with the original admin-public-key")(namespace 'election)(expect  "Keyset can be rotated"  "Keyset defined"  (define-keyset "election.admin-keyset" (read-keyset 'admin-keyset)))(commit-tx)
  4. Execute the transaction using the pact command-line program:

    pact keyset.repl -t
    pact keyset.repl -t

    You'll see that the transaction to change the election.admin-keyset fails—as expected—with output similar to the following:

    keyset.repl:49:2:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capskeyset.repl:57:2:Trace: Begin Tx 3: Rotating the existing keyset to a new keyset works if the transaction is signed with the original admin-public-keykeyset.repl:60:2:Trace: Namespace set to electionkeyset.repl:61:2:Trace: Expect: success: Keyset can be rotatedkeyset.repl:66:2:Trace: Commit Tx 3: Rotating the existing keyset to a new keyset works if the transaction is signed with the original admin-public-keyLoad successful
    keyset.repl:49:2:Trace: Setting transaction signatures/capskeyset.repl:57:2:Trace: Begin Tx 3: Rotating the existing keyset to a new keyset works if the transaction is signed with the original admin-public-keykeyset.repl:60:2:Trace: Namespace set to electionkeyset.repl:61:2:Trace: Expect: success: Keyset can be rotatedkeyset.repl:66:2:Trace: Commit Tx 3: Rotating the existing keyset to a new keyset works if the transaction is signed with the original admin-public-keyLoad successful

    This output indicates that your test passed and you have successfully rotated the election.admin-keyset to be governed by an admin-keyset that contains the public key other-public-key.

Test your keyset definition

In Define a namespace, you defined a principal namespace for your local development network. In this tutorial, you'll add a keyset definition for your account to govern that principal namespace. As a best practice, you can use the Pact REPL to test the transaction before you submit it on the development network.

To test your keyset definition:

  1. Open the election-dapp/pact/principal-namespace.repl file in your code editor.

    You might remember that this file:

    • Loads the public key of the sender00 account and the ns module from the local filesystem into the context of the Pact REPL.
    • Creates the principal namespace using the ns-name variable.
  2. Add the following transaction to define the keyset:

    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : "368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"   , 'caps : []  }]) (begin-tx  "Define a keyset in the principal namespace")(expect  "A keyset can be defined in a principal namespace"  "Keyset defined"  (let ((ns-name (ns.create-principal-namespace (read-keyset 'admin-keyset))))    (namespace ns-name)    (define-keyset (format "{}.{}" [ns-name 'admin-keyset]) (read-keyset 'admin-keyset ))  ))(commit-tx)
    (env-sigs  [{ 'key  : "368820f80c324bbc7c2b0610688a7da43e39f91d118732671cd9c7500ff43cca"   , 'caps : []  }]) (begin-tx  "Define a keyset in the principal namespace")(expect  "A keyset can be defined in a principal namespace"  "Keyset defined"  (let ((ns-name (ns.create-principal-namespace (read-keyset 'admin-keyset))))    (namespace ns-name)    (define-keyset (format "{}.{}" [ns-name 'admin-keyset]) (read-keyset 'admin-keyset ))  ))(commit-tx)

    This code adds a signature for the transaction and stores the name of the principal namespace in the ns-name variable. The variable is used in the (namespace ns-name) function to enter the principal namespace before calling the define-keyset function. In the define-keyset function, the keyset name is composed from the principal namespace name stored in the ns-name variable and the string admin-keyset instead of a hardcoded election.admin-keyset string.

  3. Execute the transaction using the pact command-line program:

    pact principal-namespace.repl -t
    pact principal-namespace.repl -t

    You'll see that the transaction succeeds with output similar to the following:

    principal-namespace.repl:31:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2: Define a keyset in the principal namespaceprincipal-namespace.repl:34:0:Trace: Expect: success: A keyset can be defined in a principal namespaceprincipal-namespace.repl:42:0:Trace: Commit Tx 2: Define a keyset in the principal namespaceLoad successful
    principal-namespace.repl:31:0:Trace: Begin Tx 2: Define a keyset in the principal namespaceprincipal-namespace.repl:34:0:Trace: Expect: success: A keyset can be defined in a principal namespaceprincipal-namespace.repl:42:0:Trace: Commit Tx 2: Define a keyset in the principal namespaceLoad successful

    In this example, you defined a keyset in the Pact REPL using the public key for sender00 account. Next, you can define a keyset in your principal namespace on the development network using the administrative account you created in Add an administrator account.

Define your keyset in your principal namespace

Now that you've seen how to use the define-keyset and how to enter your namespace with the namespace functions, you're ready to define keyset for the your principal namespace on the local development network with the administrative account you created using Chainweaver.

To define your keyset on the development network:

  1. Verify the development network is currently running on your local computer.

  2. Open and unlock the Chainweaver desktop or web application and verify that:

    • You're connected to development network (devnet) from the network list.
    • Your administrative account name with the k: prefix exists on chain 1.
    • Your administrative account name is funded with KDA on chain 1.

    You're going to use Chainweaver to sign the transaction that defines the keyset.

  3. Open the election-dapp/snippets/define-keyset.ts file in your code editor.

    The pactCommand variable in this file contains the same Pact code for defining a keyset that you tested in the Pact REPL. After the pactCommand, the next lines construct the transaction and wait for the signature from Chainweaver.

  4. Open the election-dapp/snippets folder in a terminal shell on your computer.

  5. Create the keyset for your principal namespace using the define-keyset script by running a command similar to the following with your administrative account name:

    npm run define-keyset:devnet -- k:<your-public-key>
    npm run define-keyset:devnet -- k:<your-public-key>

Remember that k:<your-public-key> is the default account name for your administrative account that you funded in Add an administrator account. You can copy this account name from Chainweaver when viewing the account watch list. When you run the script, you should see Chainweaver display a QuickSign Request.

  1. Click Sign All to sign the request.

    After you click Sign All, the transaction is executed and the results are displayed in your terminal shell. For example, you should see output similar to the following:

    { status: 'success', data: 'Keyset defined' }
    { status: 'success', data: 'Keyset defined' }

You now have a keyset definition that governs your principal namespace on the local development network. This keyset is governed controlled by the administrative account you created in Chainweaver.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you learned how to:

  • Define and update a keyset in the Pact REPL.
  • Test the behavior of keysets before defining a keyset on the blockchain.
  • Use the Kadena client to define a keyset in your principal namespace in the local development network.

In the next tutorial, you'll create your first Pact module for the election application. You'll define the Pact module inside of your principal namespace and control how it's used with the keyset you defined in this tutorial. After you complete the tutorial, you'll have the basic functionality for the election website.

To see the code for the activity you completed in this tutorial and get the starter code for the next tutorial, check out the 06-smart-contracts branch from the election-dapp repository by running the following command in your terminal shell:

git checkout 06-smart-contracts
git checkout 06-smart-contracts